The Mario E. Dorsonville Homeless Mission focuses on fostering connections and providing needed supplies to those experiencing homelessness in the district. On a bi-weekly basis, Homeless Mission volunteers visit various parks in the D.C. area, offering food, supplies, and friendship to those in need. Mission trip organizers bring an abundance of necessities for volunteers to distribute such as socks, coats, toothbrushes, hats, gloves, even tablets. Volunteers also serve hot chocolate and soup on cold days. See below for upcoming homeless mission trips and sign up to join us.

Upcoming Homeless Mission Trips

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Help us develop our friendship, faith, and formation with those who are experiencing homelessness.

“By serving the poor, the voiceless and the invisible, we will always be enriched by God’s love.”

“The Mission is unique in the web of outreach programs in our city, in that ours is dedicated to recognizing that all people, regardless of their material circumstances, are equal brothers and sisters in Christ, and then acting on the love for one another that flows from that relationship.”

“The bishop also lived that message [accompanying those in need], going on one Sunday a month with a group of Catholic young adults to bring supplies like food and sleeping bags to the homeless in Washington, D.C., and more importantly, treating them as friends, learning their names and praying with them.”

“It is really about connecting, about building relationships, and being a source of hope.”